Channel: अंतरिक्ष TV
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: warp drive technologyspace videosantriksh tvdarpaantariksh tvfaste than lightantarikshwarp drivenasasciencefaster than lightwigyanspeed of lightwarp bubble discoverywarp drive possiblespace travelknowledge
Description: Download Probo & Earn Money: मिल गया प्रकाश से तेज़ चलने का रास्ता Warp Bubble के जरिये | First Ever Warp Bubble Has Been Created! Hey guys, Alcubierre’s warp drive would work by creating a bubble of flat spacetime around the spaceship and curving spacetime around that bubble to reduce distances. With this method, we can travel between long distances in space even far faster than the speed of light. For decades it was just a Sci-fi theory but recently NASA/DARPA scientists have finally found a way to create a Warp Bubble in real life and from this breakthrough discovery human civilization can actually live their dream space travel in real life. Subscribe to our new channel: FB page: Instagram: Written, Edited, and Voice by: [Shubham Jain, Sujit Kumar & Kaushik]